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Case Study

AIMCo Annual Report 2015

Alberta Investment Management Corporation is a high performing fund manager delivering strong returns on investments for Albertans.

AIMCo - Ice Cave

Photograph by Jeff Wallace

AIMCo logo

The Project


Adam Warner and I were hired by Karo to concept and deliver AIMCo’s 2015 Annual Report.

Key Requirements

The goals were to inform AIMCo’s clients and beneficiaries of their investments over the past year and reinforce the company’s focus on the future of all Albertans.


Bryce Kirk: Web design and development / Adam Warner: Art direction, graphic design (print) and photo retouching / Karo: Account management / AIMCo: Report copy, data and organization / Jeff Wallace: Photography

Photograph by Jeff Wallace

The Concept

For Alberta

AIMCo’s work is bigger than individuals: its global reach is for the good of the province of Alberta, for the long term.


AIMCO is promoting Alberta’s entrepreneurial, can-do spirit across global markets and investments.


From mountains to prairie fields, ice caves to city skylines, AIMCo’s global investments benefit a diverse range of Albertans.

The Execution

The AIMCo Circle

Incorporating the photography into the AIMCo Circle provides a strong design element throughout the website, reinforcing the theme For Alberta and acting as section identifiers.

AIMCo O - Ice Cave AIMCo O - Combine AIMCo O - Tower AIMCo O - Website

Guiding the Eye

Bold keylines provide a way to separate information and cue important headlines, anchoring the typography to the page.

AIMCo - Keylines AIMCo - Keylines AIMCo - Keylines

Data Made Beautiful

Interactive, dynamic graphs bring the pages to life, achieving more than a static image ever could and encouraging the user to dig deeper.

AIMCo Graphs

The Framework

amCharts and Foundation 6 were chosen for their ability to perform well across all platforms and devices.

amCharts Foundation 6 AIMCo Responsive

The Finished Product

Informing the World

The online report successfully communicates to its core audience of clients, as well as the beneficiaries of those clients and AIMCo’s global partners.

AIMCo - Website Mock (Click to view site)
Caitlin Kangles

“Bryce was an amazing collaborator on the AIMCo Annual Report. From the earliest stages of design, he always put himself in the audience's shoes, thinking of the best ways to intertwine beautiful design with an effective user experience. The design of the printed piece was seamlessly adapted for the web experience, and navigating the site was as easy as reading the book from cover to cover. Bryce's work ethic had him become an immediate subject matter expert, which informed the way he designed and structured the website. My favourite thing about working with Bryce is the subtleties in his development and design approach. He always finds new ways to add nuances in design and functionality, and in the case of this site, they received the highest praise from the top executives at AIMCo.”

— Caitlin Kangles, Director of Engagement 2014 - 2016, Karo

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Consulting, design, and development. Whatever your requirements are, I can help you find the right solution. It all starts with a conversation.

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